Welcome to Dwain Miller Ministries

Thank you for taking the time to learn about us.  It is our desire to bless you, pray for you, and encourage you.  Please take some time to listen to one of Dr. Miller's messages, visit our online store, or learn how you can partner with us.  If we can help you in any way, please feel free to reach out to us.

888-997-2387 / info@dwainmiller.com



Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
— Ecclesiastes 4:12

Partner With Us

We know there is great value when God's people partner because we have seen it work time and time again in our own ministry.  God has allowed us to do great things but it has been because we have joined together with others who are pulling the same direction.

Through our partnership with Pastor Happy Caldwell and Victory Television Network of Arkansas we are able to share cutting-edge revelation with people all over the world through television and internet.

Because of our long time relationship with Voice of Hope Ministries in Nicaragua we are able to build centers that feed impoverished children. We are also able to build churches, support local pastors and preach the Gospel through crusades that reach thousands of people at once.

In partnership with Randy Caldwell Ministries, we are able to bless the people of Israel in a variety of different ways.  

While each of our partnerships have been very successful, we know that when you join with us, a threefold cord is not quickly broken.  Would you consider partnering with Dwain Miller Ministries?

Join Dr. Miller On The Road

Dr. Miller travels around the world bringing revelation to the Church.  Find out when Dr. Miller will be speaking at a church near you.  If you would like to invite Dr. Miller to speak at your event you can email the ministry and they will get back to you shortly.